repointing specialist near me?
Do you see gaps in mortar joints? Gaps that appear in time will allow rain water to soak into the pointing joints, further damage to the wall. By rain water getting into the cavity this creates condensation, basement rooms are more prone to this. As the cold air from the outside, meets the warm air inside. With damp from the rain water dripping down the cavity.
What is a valley?
The valley is the most important part of your roof, if this fails you will have a roof leak, caused by water getting in under the tiles. And knowone likes roof leaks right ?
As we all Know the british weather is'nt one to rely on. It seem we have more rain, stroms than we do sunshine.
Where is the verge on my house ? The verge is on the end of your gable, the part of your roof that helps hold those end tiles on. Without the mortar inplace the tiles would be blown off your roof, in a storm with high winds.
So it is very important to keep an eye out for the mortar cracking. Tiles moving, falling is because the mortar has failed.
Mortar mix for pointing ?
Over time things age right ? This is true to pointing is well, the mortar isn't as strong of a mix as it once was. Or the mortar mix could have been wrong from the start.
In some cases the gable end of your house, can be the worst afected side, a wind trap between propertys. With rain puring down year after year.